Wildland Fire Preparedness

Each year, about 0.5% of Hawaii’s total land area burns each year, equal to or greater than the proportion burned of any other US state. Over 98% of wildfires are human caused.

Personal Wildland Fire Action Guide

Preparedness Tips

  • Create at least a 30-foot safety zone around the house by removing brush and other vegetation.
  • Store flammable materials safely away from the exterior of your home.
  • If it can catch fire, do not let it touch your house.
  • Report suspicious activity you may have seen before, during, or after a fire.
  • Keep fire lanes and access points unobstructed to ensure fire apparatuses can reach your home.
  • Make and practice a family evacuation plan.
  • Wildland fire can spread to tree tops.
  • Prune trees so the lowest branches are six to ten feet from the ground.

Wildland Fire Prevention

In Hawaiʻi, wildland fire season is all year long. To reduce the risks, the Honolulu Fire Department urges you to properly store flammable materials and more!

"Ready, Set, Go!"

The “Ready, Set, Go!” Hawaii Action Guide is designed to inform and empower our communities to prevent, prepare, and plan for a wildland fire incident.

Help Us Help You!

In Hawaiʻi, wildland fire season is all year long due to our consistently, warm climate. But you can make a difference! Protect your home by reducing fuels and the possibility of ignition. Maintain your yard and clean out your gutters and clutter regularly.

See Something? Say Something!

When you first see smoke, don’t stall, call 911 and let us know as soon as possible. The earlier we can get to a fire, the better chance we can prevent it from spreading.

Partner Resources

Visit our partner sites for additional wildfire prevention, mitigation, and safety information.

Hawaii Division of Forestry and Wildlife

The primary responder for wildfires on lands managed by DOFAW, which accounts for 26% of the land statewide.

Hawaii Wildfire Management Organization

Works on wildfire prevention, mitigation, and planning activities in the Hawaii-Pacific region.

National Fire Protection Association

Provides tools and resources to help those living with risk from wildfire reduce their risk.