Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS) on Oʻahu
The Hawaiian Electric Company’s (HECO) Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) program is a method of wildfire prevention that involves temporarily turning off the power to certain high-risk areas during extreme and potentially dangerous weather conditions. Typically, those weather conditions involve strong winds, low humidity and very dry vegetation — all of which can elevate the risk of wildfire.

Fire and Life Safety
Resources to help you reduce the risk of fire or injury in your home.
Discover Resources
Ensure a safe work environment for employees and patrons by adhering to the fire code.
Implement fire and fall prevention measures to minimize injury and death.

Common Questions
Here are a few commonly asked questions about the Honolulu Fire Department. Want to learn more? Read the full list of frequently asked questions.
How do I obtain a fire incident report?
Please complete and submit the online request form.
How can I obtain a firecrackers permit?
A firecracker permit and a valid identification is required to purchase and use firecrackers on Oahu.
Please visit the Honolulu Fire Department Firecracker E-Permit System to view the rules and regulations and submit your request. The paper permit application process was discontinued.
Who do I call before lighting an imu or cooking fire?
Call the Fire Communication Center at 808-723-3473.
How can I request a fire apparatus for an event?
Please complete and submit the online request form at least four weeks prior to your event. Should you have questions, please call our Community Relations/Education section at 808-723-7168.
How can I find out about employment opportunities?
Please visit the City and County of Honolulu, Department of Human Resources' Job Opportunities page for step-by-step instructions on how to apply online and a list of available jobs.
Complete the online Job Interest Card to receive an e-mail notification for selected job categories. Select “Fire & EMS'' for the Honolulu Fire Department fire fighter recruitment.